Computer Networks, Computer Security, Software Engineering, Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing, Compilers and Interpreters, Computational Intelligence, Computer Architecture and Embedded System, Computer Modeling and Simulation, Data Communications, Data Encryption and Data Mining.
Electrical Drives and Special Machines, Energy and Grid-Connected Applications, Electric/ Hybrid Vehicles, Modeling And Control Of Power Systems, Power Electronic Converters and Control Systems, Electromagnetic Actuators And Sensors, Power Conversion Topologies, Modulation And Control, Adhoc and Sensor Networks, High Speed Networks, Internet and Web Applications, Network Architectures & Network Security, Wireless Communications / VLSI Systems.
CAD/CAM/CIM, Mechantronics, Automation & Robotics, Material Science and Engineering, Optimization and Control, Renewable Energy Techniques, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Non-Traditional Machining, Vibration, Noise Analysis and Control Aerospace Engineering, Automotive Engineering.
Structural Engineering & Construction Materials, Construction Safety & Fire Engineering, Earthquake Resistant Design Practices, Environmental Engineering & Management, Geo-environmental Engineering & Water Resources, GIS & Remote Sensing& Surveying, Irrigation, Water Resources & Management, Modern Construction Materials, Retrofitting / Rehabilitation of Structures, Transportation Engineering & Traffic Planning, Green construction materials, Urban Design & Built Environment.
Petrochemical Engineering, Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Catalysis and Porous Materials, Electrochemical Engineering, Applied Biotechnology, Antibody Biology and Engineering, Biomaterials Tissue Engineering, Agricultural Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering, Biocatalysis, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering.
Pure and Applied Mathematics, Basic and Applied Chemistry, Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Biological Sciences, Medical and Paramedical sciences, Earth Sciences and Water Resources, Environmental Sciences, Natural Sciences, Forestry Science.
Authors must abstract of their original research article in prescribed format to the conference via online mode available in website.
All submitted research article's abstracts are subjected to plagiarism check and double-blind peer review process.
Based on the originality and reviewers comments abstracts will be accepted and acceptance notification will be sent to authors via email.
Authors must register themselves for the conference and the conference fee has to be paid online.
Sessions will be arranged and allotted for each authors to present their research work in the conference via online presentations tools.
Authors must consider the suggestions provided by session chair persons and submit final paper to ISETCASE via email.
Selected high quality papers will be submitted to journals and authors must follow up with reviewer comments if received any.
Once the journal editor's review process completes, authors must submit final proof-ready version of their paper to the respective journal editor.
Paper will be published in the respective journal and the same will be notified to author via registered email id.